Volf's Revier: Pulsating Paintings by Pavel Roučka

Volf's Revier: Pulsating Paintings by Pavel Roučka

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Pavel Roučka is a phenomenon in Czech painting, instantly recognizable and unmistakable. It seems he was born to paint, as he never formally studied art but taught himself. In his biography, he describes himself as a self-taught artist. Perhaps this is the reason for his originality and uniqueness. He didn’t have to concern himself with following patterns or masters; instead, he searched within himself to become a master in his own right. When seeking inspiration, he drew from literature, particularly existential authors, and notably became an internationally recognized illustrator of Franz Kafka’s work. Even though he is eighty-two this year, he proves that age is just a number. His vitality is legendary. It’s as if, through his creative dedication, he has no time to age. There is, however, another reason for this.

Pavel Roučka, Spur, 2023. Source: Archive of Petr Volf

An important aspect of Pavel Roučka's personality is his relationship with sports. In his youth, he was a top kayaker, achieving multiple successes in national championships. He can be seen as an example of ancient kalokagathia, the harmony of physical and spiritual aspects of a person. "Just as with everything I have ever devoted myself to, I went all in; I trained in double shifts, and at one point, even triple shifts," he recalls. Being an intellectual, he was able to analyze his sports practice and improve not only through hard physical labor but also by exploring questions related to mastering the ideal paddling technique that allows for the smoothest movement of the boat. "My focus was on the constant search for style because I viewed sport as a creative process, similar to art."

Pavel Roučka, photo: Jan Kolský

Kayaking also appeared in his early works; however, it was not until 2023 and 2024 that Pavel Roučka made a significant contribution to sports-oriented painting with his cycle of paintings dedicated to cycling. This is a significant collection that expands the spectrum of the genre. The painter presents cycling as a dynamic spectacle infused with physical effort. The series has a narrative that gradually builds up. The titles of some of the paintings are already very telling: Peloton in the Landscape, Racing, Downhill, Sprint, Exhaustion, Worn Out, Rider Dismounts. The works reinforce and develop each other, passing the baton from one to another. They are not descriptive; as is his nature, the author abstracts to the highest degree possible. Nevertheless, we do not get lost; rather, we feel as if we are seeing into the inner world of racers overcoming mountain passes, plunging downhill to the lowland finish, and battling their own limitations. The paintings pulsate and breathe, allowing us to perceive the events both through the eyes of the riders and through their emotions.

Pavel Roučka, photo: Jan Kolský

We are at the very epicenter.

These are masterpieces. "For me, cycling is the pinnacle of sports, where limits are surpassed. Races are a motivating spectacle, and I have immense respect for their protagonists, who continually fight mainly against themselves." Pavel Roučka once again demonstrates the irreplaceability of hand-painted works, the magical touch of a brush dipped in paint, which, when given a lifetime of dedication, allows the viewer to look beneath the surface of things, events, phenomena, and situations. He paints spontaneously, relaxed, with an emphasis on the free handling of colors, yet he does so with control, as few can connect the rational aspect with intuition. The painting becomes a possibility for understanding, and for this reason, every exhibition of Pavel Roučka offers an unforgettable experience.

Pavel Roučka, photo: Jan Kolský

You can find more stories from the art world by Petr Volf here.


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Published 12.09.2024

Duchovní otec myšlenky Sport in Art. Uznávaný publicista a spisovatel, který se dlouhodobě zabývá tématem sportu v umění. Je autorem první české knihy mapující sport v umění s názvem Sport je umění a výstavy SPORTU ZDAR! v centru DOX.

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