Volf's Revier: On the Rise

Volf's Revier: On the Rise

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The motto of the 17th All-Sokol Gatherin (Slet), "Sokol Unites," perfectly captures the character and mission of this remarkable institution. It’s not just about bringing together different generations, social classes, or sports, whether traditional or modern. Anyone who passes through Sokol gains a foundation not only for any physical activity but is also educated in the spirit of fair play. However, there’s another important phenomenon worth remembering. Since its very beginning, the Sokol movement has been closely linked with culture and art. There is a profound, even essential reason for this. Miroslav Tyrš, the founder of Sokol, was an art historian by education, and he regarded the emphasis on physical and spiritual beauty, following the ancient ideal of kalokagathia, as a natural part of every practitioner’s development.

Get an original print by Michal Škapa from a limited edition.SKY IS THE LIMIT, Attention, the sale will take place only on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 10 AM. The quantity is limited.


Tyrš’s legacy hasn’t faded; on the contrary, it seems to be gaining intensity. It has become a constant that we’ve grown accustomed to. This legacy strongly influenced the concept of the 17th Sokol Slet (Gathering), with Michal Škapa, a leading figure in Czech street art of international acclaim, playing a significant role in this regard. He acted as a unifying element, as his Sokol-themed work successfully built upon the visual style of the gathering, created by Jaromír Švejdík and the graphic studio Dynamo Design while adding his own distinctive elements. It was a rare moment of harmony and understanding, where egos dissolved, giving way to empathy. A highlight of his work was the artistic design of the wall in front of Tyrš’s House on Prague’s Újezd.

Michal Škapa's Artwork for Sokol, 2024

The focal point became the segmented silhouette of a figure in motion. The extensive graffiti, where Škapa incorporated various figurative, geometric, and expressive elements, harmonized with the surroundings in a surprisingly cohesive way. It’s easily readable and works as a solid composition that can be appreciated up close while walking on the sidewalk, from a distance across the street, or entirely differently from a passing tram, where it unfolds before the viewer like a film strip. This dynamic quality ensures it never becomes dull, continually surprising us with its individual details, each of which stands as a piece of art on its own. It’s evident that Michal Škapa, more than most, understands the urban environment and, as a skilled artist, enters it with grace and humility. He isn’t just aiming to leave a mark or an imprint but strives to be in harmony with the surroundings, which in this case are part of a protected historical zone. In fact, he was already prepared for this, as it wasn’t his first encounter with the “Sokol wall.” His debut came in 2022 when he created a mural—large-scale public graffiti—on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the Czech Sokol Organization.

Visual by Jaromír Švejdík aka Jaromír 99 and his tribute to the 2024 Gathering. Source: Dynamo Design.

Dalšími „zásahy“ Michala Škapy, jimiž obohatil sletovou výtvarnou kolekci, bylo fotografické studio, pro něž vytvořil unikátní pozadí, nebo pomalované švédské bedny, jež sloužily při slavnostním zahájení v Národním divadle jako řečnický pultík. Pravděpodobně to bylo vůbec poprvé, kdy tělocvičné nářadí získalo podobně víceúčelové použití, a ještě bylo povýšeno na artefakt, který může být v budoucnu vystaven v galerii. Šlo o dílky mozaiky, kde každá část měla svůj význam. Završena byla sérií grafik vytvořených technikou sítotisku, která vyšla v nákladu sto kusů, a také obrazem, jenž umělec namaloval klasicky, akrylovými barvami na plátno. Výsledná kolekce může sloužit jako inspirace pro další sokolské slety.

Photographers of the All-Sokol Gathering. Photo: František Ortmann.

"For me, it was a huge challenge," said Michal Škapa about his multifaceted work, executed across various media and scales. "I’m glad I could take part in such an event that connects art and sport. It’s proof that these two worlds understand each other and are both on the rise today."

You can find more stories from the art world by Petr Volf here.


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Published 14.10.2024

Duchovní otec myšlenky Sport in Art. Uznávaný publicista a spisovatel, který se dlouhodobě zabývá tématem sportu v umění. Je autorem první české knihy mapující sport v umění s názvem Sport je umění a výstavy SPORTU ZDAR! v centru DOX.

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