Exhibition Jízda at EPO1 Invites You to Meet Festka and Artist Karel Štědrý

Exhibition Jízda at EPO1 Invites You to Meet Festka and Artist Karel Štědrý

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Do You Ride a Bike? Then you’ve probably heard of Festka. This Czech company is known for its high-tech carbon bikes, but they don’t just focus on performance—they also care a lot about how their bikes look. Festka often collaborates with artists to give their bikes a unique, artistic flair. This time, they’ve teamed up with painter Karel Štědrý, who will reveal his new design on Saturday, August 17th, at the "Jízda" exhibition at EPO1 Center for Contemporary Art. And what better way to celebrate than with a bike ride? The event will also include a 50km ride that you can join with a Festka bike.

At the moment, the EPO1 gallery in Trutnov is hosting the "Jízda" exhibition, which explores the world of cycling. You’ll get to see the brand-new bike design and a painting created by Karel Štědrý specifically for the show. From 1 PM to 4 PM, you can enjoy a bike ride with Festka, participate in a workshop by Kasper – Swix Team featuring roller ski tests, and take part in fun activities for kids.

The exhibition, in collaboration with the Sport in Art platform, explores the depiction of bicycles and their role in human life. Featuring works by over forty artists from various generations, it includes sculptures, installations, and visual art. Running until November 5th, this grand-scale exhibition in a former power plant is the most extensive showcase ever dedicated to the phenomenon of bicycles and cycling, both in the Czech Republic and internationally.

The gallery has also prepared a range of accompanying events, with a particularly special one taking place on August 17th.

What’s on the Program?

  • 1:00 PM – Workshop by Kasper – Swix Team with roller ski testing and fun activities for kids (running throughout the event until 4:00 PM).
  • 2:00 PM – Festka Workshop, featuring a discussion with painter Karel Štědrý and Festka founder Michal Moureček. At the end of the discussion (around 2:50 PM), the new bike and painting by Karel Štědrý will be unveiled.
  • 3:30 PM – Festka Bike Ride (50 km, approximately 1.5 hours). Interested in joining? Sign up via the simple form HERE.

Please note: Entry to the accompanying events requires a gallery ticket.

Festka produces high-end carbon bikes and stands out for frequently blending technology with art. The Czech manufacturer has previously created bikes with names like Tomski&Polanski, Michal Škapa, Jan Kaláb, and illustrator Michal Bačák. In collaboration with the artistic duo Ondrash & Kašpárek, one bike was auctioned for 600,000 CZK in a charity auction for the Paraple Center.


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Published 05.08.2024

Martina se léta věnuje redaktorské a copywriterské práci, a to převážně na poli kultury, lgbt+ a fashion nebo interiérového designu. Vystudovala umění a public relations. Ve Sport in Art působí jako šéfredaktorka online magazínu a redaktorka tištěného. Kromě současného umění a psaní miluje třešně, potápět se ve vlnách oceánu i synth popu, výhledy ze střech, sádrovat díry po hřebících, snídat na balkoně, udržitelnost, rovná práva a ztrácet se v cizích městech.

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