The Art Grand Slam Exhibition Project Announces an Open Call for Visual Artists Under 30

The Art Grand Slam Exhibition Project Announces an Open Call for Visual Artists Under 30

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The curator of the second edition of the Art Grand Slam project, Martina Vítková, has chosen 'Parallel Dimensions' as the theme for this year’s exhibition. The show explores the idea of two worlds—sports and art—that exist side by side, yet influence and complement each other. 'What matters is how deeply we engage with sports or art and what they bring to our lives. Both involve creative activity; the experience of sports and art is not a passive one. There are always those who create and those who experience it,' explains Vítková. The Art Grand Slam – Parallel Dimensions exhibition will feature ten acclaimed artists who have responded to this theme through their work. There’s also an Open Call for artists under 30, inviting them to contribute their works to the exhibition.

The Prague premiere of the exhibition will take place in February 2025 at the SmetanaQ Gallery, followed by international openings throughout the rest of the year. The project will be accompanied by a catalog featuring curatorial texts and reproductions of all the works presented in the exhibition.

Prize for the winner of the first Art Grand Slam Open Call. Photo: Adam Mráček

One of the artists selected from the Open Call will also be awarded a residency abroad, based on the decision of a jury composed of representatives of the Czech cultural scene. During the residency, the artist will finalize a site-specific work for the designated space, which will be incorporated into the Art Grand Slam project program. More information can be found on the project website:

The first edition of the Art Grand Slam project, subtitled Inside Movement, showcased emerging artists alongside well-known names such as Michael Rittstein, Lubomír Typlt, Jakub Janovský, Milena Dopitová, and others. You can view how the Prague and Paris exhibitions, as well as the residency at the Czech Center in Paris, unfolded here.

Call for Entries and Participant Profile

We are inviting Czech visual artists under the age of 30 (born in 1994 or later) who explore the theme of sports and movement in their work to create several new original pieces (1–3 works) inspired by movement. Artists can submit either completed works or proposals, including a description of the execution (dimensions, materials, techniques). The Open Call is open to media such as painting, sculpture, object, installation, or video.

To apply, participants must fill out the application form and submit a current portfolio of their work (including the artist's CV, contact information, and representative samples of their artwork). The form can be found at

The deadline for submitting all materials is October 31, 2024.

Detailed Open Call rules: HERE.


Open Call
Announcement: September 9, 2024
Deadline: November 10, 2024

SmetanaQ Gallery
Exhibition Opening: February 27, 2025
Exhibition Dates: February 28 – April 27, 2025

International Exhibition
Exhibition Opening: Second half of June
Exhibition Dates: During the second half of 2025


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Published 10.09.2024

Koordinátorka projektu Art Grand Slam. Věnuje se produkci a kurátorství současného umění se zaměřením na umění ve veřejném prostoru. Je spoluzakladatelka a kurátorka projektu Artmat, galerie Vitríny Frýdlantská a festivalu Otevřené Ateliéry Praha.

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