Exhibition Art Grand Slam - Inside Movement in Paris Launched!

Exhibition Art Grand Slam - Inside Movement in Paris Launched!

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On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the exhibition "Art Grand Slam - Inside Movement" was inaugurated at the Czech Center Paris. The exhibition showcased established Czech artists as well as emerging talents, including the work of Veronika Čechmánková, a graduate of intermedia studies at FAMU, who completed a residency at the Czech Center Paris in June. The exhibition became part of the official cultural program of the city of Paris in conjunction with the Olympic Games.

Exhibition View. Photo: Marek Volf

The project, aimed at highlighting the intersection of sport and art across cultural sectors, kicked off at the Czech Center Paris on June 27, 2024. The exhibition will run until the end of August, showcasing visual works by Czech artists ranging from established names to those at the beginning of their careers, all exploring inner movement and its implications. Notably featured are works "Box" and "Athletics" from the series "Sporting Epic" by Michael Rittstein, borrowed from the collection of Jiří Kejval.

The Olympic Games return to Paris this year, and in collaboration with all partners, we offer a unique showcase of contemporary art and sport.

Curated by Petr Vaňous, the exhibition initially debuted at SmetanaQ Gallery in Prague, where it was open to visitors during February and March. Now, with slight modifications, the exhibition has made its way to the Parisian metropolis as part of the official cultural program of the Olympic Festival, coinciding with the Summer Olympic Games.

"The revival of the modern Olympic idea is closely tied to France and Paris. The cultural crossover to this showcase of performance, speed, and athleticism was inevitable and remains so. The Olympic Games return to Paris this year, and in collaboration with all partners, we offer a unique showcase of contemporary art and sport. It's an invitation not only to the Czech Center but also to contemporary Czech visual culture," said Jiří Hnilica, Director of the Czech Center in Paris.
Artwork by Veronika Čechmánková. Photo: Marek Volf

The exhibition forms part of an imaginary triangle involving the Czech Olympic House, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Paris, and the Czech Center Paris, where visitors can encounter contemporary Czech art during the Summer Olympic Games.

Attendees will have the opportunity to see newly presented works in an Olympic context by Alena Andrlová, Michal Cimala, Dalibor David, Milena Dopitová, Jakub Janovský, Jitka Petrášová, Michael Rittstein, Paulina Skavová, Pavel Šmíd, and Lubomír Typlt, alongside pieces from three artists selected through an open call - Veronika Čechmánková, Lukáš Slavický, and the duo Tereza Sikorová and Tomáš Moravanský. Veronika Čechmánková also completed a residency in Paris, during which she created a work that builds upon the principles of her video piece "Dialogue with the Past."

For those interested, the Czech Center is located at 18 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, France.

Exhibition View. Photo: Marek Volf


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Published 03.07.2024

Koordinátorka projektu Art Grand Slam. Věnuje se produkci a kurátorství současného umění se zaměřením na umění ve veřejném prostoru. Je spoluzakladatelka a kurátorka projektu Artmat, galerie Vitríny Frýdlantská a festivalu Otevřené Ateliéry Praha.

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