Magazín Sport in Art

The third issue of Sport in Art magazine focuses on the beloved sport of hockey. However, we will also venture into waters that are not frozen.

As the editor-in-chief Milan Tesař himself says: "It's not a coincidence. In two months, the Ice Hockey World Championship will kick off in Prague, and if there's anything 'art' today, it's getting a ticket to our team's match."


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The cover features artist Jakub Špaňhel. Petr Volf engaged in an interview with this artist, where the painter revealed who stretches his canvases and also that he wasn't afraid to ride a bike underwater. Besides, he invites readers to the upcoming exhibition "Na led!" at the National Gallery Prague, where, among other hockey-themed works, his pieces will be showcased from April onwards.

Besides art, Petra Volf is fascinated by architecture, so he interviewed Petr Kolář, an architect who built a golf course with an open-air gallery. We'll take a look at the Art Grand Slam exhibition, where awards were given for contemporary sports-artistic achievements. Blood, sweat, tears, and cold. That's the title of the article about the beautiful yet tough world of figure skating, explored by editor Michaela Bučková and photographers Shotby.us. We'll linger on photography for a moment. In the magazine, we have prepared an interview with photographer Bára Prášilová for you. We'll also briefly stop by the book by the phenomenal photographer and footballer Karel Novák. The magazine also reflects on the Nagano Opera.

Pages dedicated to hockey also explore a selection of artistic works inspired by this phenomenon, including hockey masks by illustrator Jan Šrámek or dioramas by Canadian artist Diana Thorneycroft. Did you know that tattoo artist Lukáš Musil, also known as MUSA, played hockey too? From the main topic, we'll venture into art unrelated to pucks. Aryz, one of the leading Spanish painters, is the king of wild colors, and his moving figures will make their debut in a Czech gallery in May this year.

The magazine also features a feuilleton by writer Jan Novák, visual poetry by artist Ivana Zuskinová, and a hockey playlist by Mardoš from Tata Bojs. Popular culture recommendations are also included.

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