On June 10th, the fourth football issue of Sport in Art magazine will be released

On June 10th, the fourth football issue of Sport in Art magazine will be released

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On June 10th, the fourth printed issue of Sport in Art magazine will be released, aiming straight at the hearts of football fans. Football is a colossal force that sweeps the world, evoking emotions, love, and madness, so it's no surprise that artists, who often manage to glimpse beneath the surface of this phenomenon, also respond to it. The cover features the artist Vladimir 518. This time, the magazine is also available in a limited edition called Football is for Everyone!, with a cover by Nicola Constantino.

What does Vladimir 518 have to do with football? You'll find out in an interview with editor-in-chief Milan Tesař, where the artist talks about his journey along the D1 highway, his love of uphill walking, discipline and ritual, the search for animality, the family Sparta-Slavia split, and sports in his work. And how does he perceive sports?

We stopped maiming and killing each other, but instead, we dress up in costumes and go fight on lit-up stages before packed stands. And there, we put on a show without a prearranged outcome.

You'll read more interviews in this issue. Painter Alena Anderlová takes us into a mysterious world full of colors, animals, and sporting achievements. Jaromír Švejdík aka Jaromír 99 introduces a new visual identity for the Czech Sokol Organization.

District League, Lajna, or Vyšehrad – films and series created by director, screenwriter, and playwright Petr Kolečko. Why does he primarily produce series and films set in the world of sports?

YOU CAN BUY THE CURRENT ISSUE IN OUR E-SHOP. You can also purchase an annual subscription or individual issues of the magazine. The latest issue is also available at selected retailers across the Czech Republic.

You will read a confession by Bára Reichová, who describes what it takes to get a good photo, but also how exhausting it is to carry several cameras and a set of lenses on her back during the Olympics and how she physically prepares for it.

We will visit London to explore the OOF project, a magazine, and the only contemporary art gallery that focuses on football. However, the gallery's aim is not to examine art depicting football but to explore how football inspires artists to make social commentaries.

We'll play football with the amateur women's football club SK Trefa, which promotes the motto ★ Love football, hate racism ★ Girl power ★ Solidarity. This club has already held several art exhibitions.

On more than 140 pages, once again graphically designed by the magician Milan Nedvěd, we will also take a purposeless walk with Tomáš Pospěch, explore football art according to curator Petr Volf, peek into Michal Suchánek's diary, and together with Scottish curator Imogen Gibbon, a specialist in sports in art, we will look at her five favorite works.


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Published 07.06.2024

Martina se léta věnuje redaktorské a copywriterské práci, a to převážně na poli kultury, lgbt+ a fashion nebo interiérového designu. Vystudovala umění a public relations. Ve Sport in Art působí jako šéfredaktorka online magazínu a redaktorka tištěného. Kromě současného umění a psaní miluje třešně, potápět se ve vlnách oceánu i synth popu, výhledy ze střech, sádrovat díry po hřebících, snídat na balkoně, udržitelnost, rovná práva a ztrácet se v cizích městech.

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